
Our wanderlust took hold in our 30s, when we already had jobs and kids. Both kids went international within their first 3 months; early on there were beach trips to Mexico and the Caribbean, and ski trips to Canada. We relied on resort sitters and gear galore. Before they were school age, we began taking an annual trip to Europe, just the two of us. When the kids were 6 and 8, they really wanted to go to Disneyland. Instead of visiting the happiest place on earth just a state away, we opted to hit EuroDisney as part of a two week French adventure! There were tears at the cafe that first night, making us doubt our choice, but after adjusting to jet lag, we enjoyed an amazing two weeks and have never looked back!

As teens, our kids have now been to 20+ countries. They’ve experienced art and history up close in Europe, surfed and zip-lined in Central America, tasted and templed their way through Asia, and experienced the breathtaking wildlife of Africa. They’ve been shaped by the people they’ve met and the cultural similarities and differences. We’ve shared laughs over all those things that happen when you travel, and created memories that we’ll treasure forever.

There are many blogs for people taking a year or more to travel the world; ours tailors to those who have smaller chunks of time and want to explore the world beyond nearby beaches and theme parks. As the family travel coach, I combine my travel experience with my skills as a therapist of 20+ years, asking the right questions, addressing your fears, and creating a fabulous travel plan for your family.