• Travel Tips

    Take That Couples Trip

    As a therapist of 20 years, I’m going to give you some free couples advice: don’t waste energy trying to mimic your early relationship. Instead, grow your relationship as you go through life and the parenting years, creating new chapters. Your relationship came before the kids, and it needs investment to be strong when they leave the nest. One way to do that is date days/nights. If you’re like us, we don’t do them regularly enough, and when we do, it’s too easy to spend date night talking about the kids. Another tip: double date. It creates novelty, gets you to pick a different restaurant or activity than normal (we’re…

  • Travel Tips

    Travel with a Singleton

    Hesitant to travel the world with your single child? Travel with one is neither better nor worse than travel with multiples, just different, and with plenty of perks. The biggest benefit is cost. With a singleton, you buy fewer flights…

  • Fave Experiences

    Sahara Glamping

    Have you dreamed of riding through the Sahara Desert on a camel? How about riding that camel to your very own Berber tent and sleeping under the stars for the night? It takes a while to get to the edge…

  • Fave Experiences

    Dolphin Chasing

    You can pay a small fortune to get in a pen and swim with dolphins in Mexico, even ride them a bit. We’ve done it; it’s cool, but it’s NOTHING like swimming with them in the wild in the warm…

  • Fave Hotels

    Amini Life Lodge

    Ever stayed in a mud hut? At Africa Amini Life Lodge you can. It’s definitely the most unique place we’ve ever stayed. About 90 minutes drive from the Kilimanjaro airport, the replica of a Maasai village is run by the…

  • Travel Tips

    Ready for Family Safari?

    I was blown away by safari last summer. There’s something magical about driving the changing landscape of the Serengeti and watching spectacular animals in their natural world. That said, it’s not for everyone, and doing it before your family is…

  • Fave Experiences

    Paris for Parents

    Spent the past week populating our insta with great Paris kid activities, but let’s not forget, Paris is equally amazing for parents! If you can find a way to get there as a couple, do it. If you’ll be there…

  • Fave Hotels

    Le Pigonnet

    Someday I hope to experience what it’s like to live in Provence by renting a chateau walking distance to a small town. If you have a week or more to explore the area, do it! There are many rental homes,…

  • Travel Tips

    Christmas in July

    Summer’s in full swing. You’re busy soaking up the sun, picking berries, enjoying BBQs, reveling in music festivals and sending kids to camp. LOVE that you’re living in the moment! If you’re interested in spending Christmas break abroad, however, time…

  • Fave Hotels

    Club Barbarossa

    My love of Turkey continues, this time with Club Hotel Barbarossa. This beautiful little hotel, with rentable private villas, offers direct access to the Mediterranean. Can you believe this water? It’s just cool enough to be refreshing, but not too…

  • Travel Tips

    To Cruise or Not to Cruise?

    Disclaimer: I generally prefer not to book group tours or huge hotels. So with biases declared, here’s my most objective opinion of cruising. To cruise or not to cruise depends entirely on the operator and your style and expectations. Cruises…

  • Fave Hotels

    Nisanyan House

    When visiting Turkey, seeing the well-preserved ruins of Ephesus is a must. So it was there we began our 12-day journey through through the historically rich and culturally lovely country. Our driver picked us up at the Izmir airport and…

  • Travel Tips

    Hire A Local Guide

    There are tons of apps and online resources to get to know a place, especially the major destinations. Group tours allow you to cover many sites in a short time (but be prepared to be herded like cattle and constantly…

  • Fave Experiences

    Cooking Class

    I love learning to cook from locals. It’s a two-for: fun family activity and a great meal. Plus you have a lifelong souvenir to take with you. One of my favorites was Il Ritrovo, outside Positano. The restaurant picked up…

  • Travel Tips

    Hotel or AirBNB?

    So you’re planning a family trip. Should you go hotel or AirBNB? Each has its pros and cons. Ask yourself the following to help make your choice. How many are in your group? What is your budget? Do you prefer…